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How to lose weight at home: step by step instructions

How to lose weight at home: step by step instructions Decided to lose weight, but don't know where to start? We offer you step-by-step instructions on how to start losing weight at home (or in the gym) . This memo is suitable for both men and women, regardless of age and the number of extra pounds. A successful weight loss process consists of two components: a balanced diet and physical activity. So, where do we propose to start losing weight? NUTRITION: STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: REMEMBER THE MAIN RULE OF LOSING WEIGHT The first step on the way to getting rid of excess weight is to remember the main principle of losing weight for yourself. You lose weight when you eat less food than your body can handle during the day. In this case, energy begins to be drawn from the reserve reserves on the body - fat deposits. Therefore, in essence, the process of losing weight is reduced to eating restrictions and creating  a calorie deficit  . No

HIV: the first symptoms stage and development of the disease

HIV: the first symptoms stage and development of the disease

HIV: the first symptoms stage and development of the disease

The insidiousness of HIV and the conequenes of infection with it is nothing more than the carelessness of the people themselves. Yes, indeed, HIV infection is a serious disease. To date, there is no vaccine against it and it is completely incurable. But with timely diagnosis and subsequent HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy), the life expectancy of HIV-positive patients is no different from the average. Drugs taken throughout life inhibit the development of HIV infection and people live to a very old age - 70 - 80 years. Following the recommendations of experts, they lead a normal life - they work, get married, travel and even have healthy children. The main thing is to recognize the first signs of the disease in time and seek help.

The first signs of HIV infection
Self-medication is a bad habit. When we feel unwell, we diagnose ourselves, prescribe medications, thereby ignoring the symptoms in the early stages of HIV infection. And at this time, the virus is already actively attacking the cells of our immune system and destroying it. The following signs indicate the progression of the process.

1.Swollen lymph nodes - in the neck, groin, armpits.
2.Candidiasis (thrush), including in the oral cavity.
3.Night sweats.
5.Unreasonable nausea and vomiting.
6.A sharp decrease in body weight.
8.Skin rashes.

Very often, the first symptoms of HIV infection resemble SARS and influenza. The patient is in a fever with muscle pain and headaches. His joints ache, the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx become inflamed. But soon all unpleasant symptoms pass on their own and the next stage of HIV infection begins, when the disease does not give itself away.
HIV: the first symptoms stage and development of the disease

Stages of HIV infection

HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Penetrating into the body, it affects the cells of the immune system, which causes the development of HIV infection - a slowly progressive disease. Without adequate treatment, it develops into AIDS - acquired immune deficiency syndrome. A clear delineation of these concepts helps to understand what happens to the human body at each stage of the disease.
Stage of the diseaseDurationWhat happens in the bodySymptomsWindow periodfrom 2 to 12 weeks (with weakened immunity - 12 - 24 weeks)the so-called incubation period, when infection has already occurred and the virus attacks the cells of the immune systemno symptomsAcute phasefrom 3 to 6 weeks after infectionthe virus is actively replicating, the viral load increases, which is accompanied by a violent reaction of the bodysee the first signs and first terms of HIV infectionLatency periodon average - 8-10 yearsa conditional balance is established between the rate of reproduction of HIV and the response of the immune systemthere is an increase in lymph nodes, no other symptomsPre-AIDS1-2 yearssuppression of cellular immunity occursrelapses of herpes, candidiasis, stomatitisAIDSwithout treatment - 1-2 yearsthe terminal stage of HIV infection, when the human immune system is practically destroyedtumors and opportunistic infections that cause the development of tuberculosis, meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia, and other HIV-associated diseases
Thus, very little time passes from the moment when the first signs of HIV infection appear until the moment when the disease enters the latent stage. It is very important not to miss this period of time, since for the next years (8-10 years) a person will live, feel normal and not even suspect that he is sick with HIV. However, he infects other people during unprotected intercourse. But most importantly, he wastes precious time. After all, without treatment, the inevitable stage of development of HIV infection begins - AIDS.

The development of the disease: from infection to AIDS

The human immunodeficiency virus belongs to the family of retroviruses. In essence, it is a virion - a particle consisting of a shell and a protein-nucleic acid complex. Outside the host cell, it shows no signs of biological activity. But as soon as the HIV virion joins a living immune cell (T-lymphocyte), it fuses with it and transfers its genetic information to it. The immune cell infected in this way is unable to perform its functions and is a favorable environment for the replication of virions - HIV begins to create its own copies. New viral particles bud off, enter the bloodstream and find a new host cell for themselves. The old cell-carrier of the virus dies, and new T-lymphocytes are targeted. And so on ad infinitum! Until the immune system is completely destroyed.
HIV enters the body - being infected with a virus.

Virions begin to attack T-lymphocytes - the incubation period.

The number of replicated virions increases dramatically - the acute phase.

The rate of reproduction of HIV is balanced by the body's immune response - a latent stage in which there are no symptoms.

The number of replications is increasing, and the number of healthy T-lymphocytes is steadily decreasing - the immune system does not fulfill its functions and AIDS develops.
HIV: the first symptoms stage and development of the disease

Thus, infection and HIV infection are not fatal to humans. Antiretroviral therapy (HAART) can suppress the activity of the virus, keeping the disease from progressing. In fact, the patient is constantly in a latent stage and leads a habitual lifestyle.        
How many are living with HIV?
In this case, everything depends on three important factors - the timing of the diagnosis, the treatment being carried out and the general health of the patient. The statistics for HIV and AIDS include the following figures.
Timely diagnosis and subsequent HAART - life expectancy is 20-50 years.

Detection of HIV infection in late stages and subsequent HAART - 10-40 years.

Untreated infection without treatment - 9-11 years.

AIDS without treatment - 6-9 months.

An equally important factor affecting the life expectancy of HIV-infected patients is the general state of health and immunity. Naturally, people with strong immunity, who do not have chronic diseases and congenital pathologies, will live longer. At the same time, a weakened body is less resistant to the virus. Therefore, in addition to HAART, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are recommended for all HIV-positive patients. They must protect themselves from infectious and colds. Strengthen immunity, take care of your body and undergo regular examinations.

How to check your body for HIV?
To do this, you need to know your HIV status. To determine it, indirect and direct tests are carried out to detect antibodies to HIV and the virus itself. For the tests, it is necessary to donate blood for an HIV test. You can do this anonymously!

How long can the test take if there was a risk of infection?
You can donate blood for analysis 2-3 weeks after the fact of a possible infection. However, it must be taken into account that due to the individual characteristics of the immune system of a person, the test result may be unreliable, since the amount of antibodies to HIV will still be too small for an accurate diagnosis of the disease.  

How long does it take for HIV infection to appear in the blood?
To obtain a reliable test result, it is necessary that at least 3 months have passed since the moment of infection. In rare cases, the appearance of antibodies characteristic of HIV takes longer - 4-6 months.

If after 3 months the result is negative, is it necessary to do a second test?
If a negative result was obtained, but you are sure of the fact of infection, then it is better to repeat the test after 6 months.

What if an HIV test is positive?
First, don't panic.

Secondly, seek help from specialists.

Third, take HAART.

Fourth, to protect immunity and follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

It is important to understand! Finding HIV infection is not the end of life. This is her fundamentally new stage, at which it is necessary to revise her usual lifestyle and make every effort to curb the progression of the disease.
HIV: the first symptoms stage and development of the disease

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