How to lose weight at home: step by step instructions Decided to lose weight, but don't know where to start? We offer you step-by-step instructions on how to start losing weight at home (or in the gym) . This memo is suitable for both men and women, regardless of age and the number of extra pounds. A successful weight loss process consists of two components: a balanced diet and physical activity. So, where do we propose to start losing weight? NUTRITION: STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: REMEMBER THE MAIN RULE OF LOSING WEIGHT The first step on the way to getting rid of excess weight is to remember the main principle of losing weight for yourself. You lose weight when you eat less food than your body can handle during the day. In this case, energy begins to be drawn from the reserve reserves on the body - fat deposits. Therefore, in essence, the process of losing weight is reduced to eating restrictions and creat...
full information of Acid reflux symptoms and treatment
Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) -This is a condition in which the acid normally found in the stomach is thrown into the esophagus, that is, into the muscular tube that connects the mouth and stomach.
GERD symptoms:
- a burning sensation in the throat or a sour taste in the mouth;
- pain in the upper abdomen or behind the breastbone;
- difficulty swallowing;
- hoarseness or sore throat;
- unexplained cough
Figures and facts
Epidemiological data indicate that 15–20% of adults in developed countries experience symptoms at least once a week. In Western Europe and the United States, 40-50% of people experience heartburn all the time. In Russia, 63.6% of women and 61.7% of men complain of GERD, and 15.1% and 10.3% of them, respectively, experience symptoms frequently or constantly. The incidence of GERD is steadily increasing. The cost of antisecretory therapy for GERD alone in the world is estimated at $ 3 billion per year.
When to see a doctor
Some patients can manage reflux on their own through lifestyle changes or over-the-counter medications. But if the symptoms have become more pronounced and prolonged and it is not possible to achieve control over them on your own, you should still visit a doctor.
You need to see a doctor immediately if:
Have difficulty swallowing or feel like food is getting stuck on the way to your stomach
a person loses weight without trying to do it;
there was pain behind the sternum;
a person chokes while eating;
had an episode of vomiting blood, stools bloody or black, or tarry.
If a child develops symptoms of GERD, they should be taken to a doctor. You don't need to give your children medicine yourself. In children, a number of other disorders can cause similar symptoms. It is very important to consult your doctor before starting treatment.
Diagnosis of the. Acid reflux
Diagnosis of GERD is usually based on clinical presentation and a positive response to treatment. Often the doctor will prescribe a trial treatment without additional research. If the diagnosis is unclear or there is a suspicion of a more serious disease, doctors resort to tests.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) - An endoscopic examination is used to examine the esophagus. A thin, flexible tube is inserted through the esophagus into the stomach and further into the small intestine. The tube is equipped with a light source and a video camera, with the help of which an image is transmitted to the monitor screen. During the examination, the doctor sees the damaged areas of the mucous membrane and may take a small sample of the damaged tissue (biopsy) to find out the cause of the damage.
24-hour esophageal pH measurement - mainly used to determine the frequency of acid reflux (the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus). It is usually used when the diagnosis is unclear after endoscopy and trial treatment. The study is also informative if the patient continues to experience symptoms during treatment. For this studya thin probe is inserted into the gastrointestinal tract of the patient through the nose, which does not interfere with eating, drinking, speaking.
Esophageal manometry - the patient swallows a thin, flexible tube that measures pressure during muscle contractions of the esophagus. With this method, you can locate the lower esophageal sphincter and evaluate its function. This study is performed to verify the diagnosis and before surgical treatment of GERD.
Treatment of the Acid reflux
You can relieve GERD symptoms on your own if:
to reduce weight (with excess body weight);
raise the head of the bed by 12-15 cm;
avoid foods that increase the severity of symptoms (coffee, chocolate, alcohol, mint, soda, fatty foods);
reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages (especially carbonated);
quit smoking;
do not go to bed for 1-2 hours after eating.
There are several main groups of drugs that can help manage symptoms: antacids, alginates, histamine H2 receptor blockers, and proton pump inhibitors. They all reduce the production of stomach acid. But their mechanisms of action are different.
Antacids and alginates relieve symptoms but last for a very short time. The action of histamine H2 receptor blockers is more powerful and longer than antacids. Antacids and most histamine H2 receptor blockers are available over the counter.
Proton pump inhibitors are most effective for treating GERD.
Symptoms of Acid reflux
- Sore throat
- Chest pain
- Heartburn
- Cough
- Blood in stool
- Malaise and fatigue
- Obstruction in children
- Hoarseness
- Weight loss
- Nausea and vomiting