How to lose weight at home: step by step instructions Decided to lose weight, but don't know where to start? We offer you step-by-step instructions on how to start losing weight at home (or in the gym) . This memo is suitable for both men and women, regardless of age and the number of extra pounds. A successful weight loss process consists of two components: a balanced diet and physical activity. So, where do we propose to start losing weight? NUTRITION: STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: REMEMBER THE MAIN RULE OF LOSING WEIGHT The first step on the way to getting rid of excess weight is to remember the main principle of losing weight for yourself. You lose weight when you eat less food than your body can handle during the day. In this case, energy begins to be drawn from the reserve reserves on the body - fat deposits. Therefore, in essence, the process of losing weight is reduced to eating restrictions and creat...
How to increase blood pressure: 5 quick ways that will definitely help
And 7 more, thanks to which you will forget about problems with pressure forever.
Let's start with the good news: Low blood pressure is unpleasant, but most often safe. However, in no case should you ignore attacks of hypotension.
What is low pressure and how dangerous it is
Remember borderlineLow blood pressure (hypotension)level - 90/60. As long as the tonometer shows you these or higher values, everything is in order. But as soon as any of the numbers decreases - even the first, even the second - we can talk about low pressure.
There is an important nuance here. If everything is unambiguous with high blood pressure: it is categorically dangerous for everyone, then low blood pressure may just be your feature. As long as it does not spoil life with ailments, it is not considered a violation, there is no need to fight it.
It's another matter if the following symptoms appear:
- weakness;
- dizziness, up to a state where it seems that you are about to lose consciousness;
- blurred vision;
- nausea;
- chills;
- sweating;
- decreased concentration.
This complex seriously spoils life, interferes with work and communication. But most importantly: low blood pressure, if accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, is actually also just a symptom.
The reasons for a drop in blood pressure can be very different: from simple dehydration and stress to hormonal disorders, internal bleeding and myocardial infarction.
It is important to find out what exactly causes the hypotension and start treating it. When the underlying disease is defeated, the pressure will return to normal by itself.
When to call an ambulance
As soon as you notice in yourself or a loved one, not only a strongly dropped pressure, but also
cold, clammy, and pale skin;
fast shallow breathing;
weak and fast pulse;
confusion of consciousness.
These are signs of the so-called acute arterial hypotension (collapse, shock). This condition is life threatening. It can lead to hypoxia of the brain and internal organs. Therefore, it is impossible to hesitate in seeking medical help.
How to quickly increase blood pressure at home
Recall: if low blood pressure has unpleasant symptoms, go to a therapist. Otherwise, you run the risk of missing a possible hidden and much more global illness. But until you go to the doctor or the specialist has not yet established the causes of the ailment, you can use simple home methods to increase blood pressure. Choose the most comfortable one for you or combine them.
1. Eat something salty
A slice of herring, pickled cucumber, a couple of slices of feta cheese or other brine cheese, a spoonful of rice generously seasoned with soy sauce ...
Sodium chloride (the same table salt ) increasesLow blood pressure (hypotension)arterial pressure. Sometimes sharply, therefore, salt is categorically contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension. But we have the opposite case.
Attention! You can not constantly increase the pressure salty. Excess sodium can lead to heart failure, especially in the elderly.
2. Drink a glass of water
And two is better, if it fits. The fluid will increase the volume of blood (as a result - its pressure on the walls of blood vessels), and also eliminate possible dehydration.
3. Put on compression socks or stockings
Elastic stockings are commonly used to reduce swelling and pain in varicose veins . But they also reduce the volume of blood in the legs. The displaced blood will increase the pressure in the major vessels of the body.
4. Get into the correct posture
This is a kind of alternative to compression stockings.
If sitting, cross your legs. This will reduce the blood volume in the lower extremities and increaseNine ways to raise blood pressurepressure in the main vessels. By the way, therefore, for people suffering from hypertension , this position is contraindicated.
If you are standing, you can cross your hips like scissors and squeeze them tightly. The effect will be about the same.
Alternatively, place one foot on a chair or bench in front of you and lean your whole body forward as deep as possible.
5. Drink coffee
This is one of the most popular methods, but not the fact that it is effective. Caffeine can actually increase10 ways to control high blood pressure without medicationblood pressure in those people who rarely drink coffee. But if you are a coffee lover, the desired effect will not necessarily come.
How to increase blood pressure for a long time without medication
We repeat: with the help of a doctor who will establish the causes of your condition and prescribe a treatment regimen. To relieve symptoms, a doctor will prescribe medications that return low blood pressure to normal.
However, you can help your body by making some lifestyle changes. Here's what doctors adviseLow Blood Pressure Diagnosis & Treatment do with hypotension
Drink plenty of water, especially if it's hot outside or you have a fever.
Limit your alcohol intake. If possible, give up alcohol altogether.
Exercise regularly or at least walk more: physical activity improves vascular tone.
Try not to stand in one place for a long time. If you have a standing job, warm up more often: walk. squat, jump, dance.
Do not take long hot baths. A healthier option is a contrast shower.
Cut back on carbohydrates in your diet. For sweets, eat fruit.
Eat small meals 4-5 times a day.